How to Identify and Get Rid of Bees and Wasp

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Bee and Wasp Control

Some wasps can help control insect populations, and carpenter bees are valuable pollinators, but you don’t necessarily want them in your home. Carpenter bees can become a nuisance when they damage wood in your home by building tunnels to lay eggs. If you have a bee allergy, the risk of getting stung by a carpenter bee also poses a significant health risk. Vespid wasps (paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets) are the most deadly stinging insects because their stings are excruciating and can be lethal in extreme circumstances. Wasps can target humans in large numbers if they feel threatened, so it’s best to move them from your home to protect you and your family.

Getting Rid of Bees and Wasps

Bees and wasps can become pests since their stings can be painful or deadly, and they can be a nuisance during summer outings. It’s best to prevent the creation of a nest in the first place by making your home unattractive to bees and wasps, have a professional treat your home, and use Western Exterminator to thoroughly remove these pests and make sure they don’t return.

Identifying Wasps and Bees in Your Home

It’s crucial to identify what species of bees or wasps you’re dealing with to apply pest treatment appropriately. Keep an eye out for these common bees and wasps that exist throughout the United States:

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bees can be a nusicance for homeowners because as their name suggest, the like to make their homes by boring into wood. Unlike common honey bees, carpenter bees are not social and will drill tunnels into wooden trees or structures.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps get their name from the upside-down umbrella-shaped nests they build out of papery materials. They are one of the most widely found wasp populations in residential homes. Paper wasp nests reside in attics, deck boards, porch ceilings, and the tops of window/door frames all over the United States.


The two groups of hornets that our technicians experience the most in the field are bald-faced hornets and European hornets. European hornets construct nests in natural cavities such as tree stumps or wooden buildings, while bald-faced hornets build nests in paper shells around homes.

Yellow Jackets

Most yellow jacket species can be found in the southeastern US but exist throughout the country. Aerial yellow jacket nests are in and around a house, like voids in structures, trees, and shrubs.

Signs of a Bee or Wasp Infestation

Since wasps hibernate during the winter, you can expect to only see them in the warmer months on your porch or in the backyard. Newly mated queen wasps seek refuge in defensive structures to construct their nests every fall. This will apply to the home’s exterior or interior, and noticing bee or wasp nests around your home is the first indication of a possible infestation. The nest will rise in the spring, and wasps will become a threat to humans.

How to Prevent Bees and Wasps

Prevention is a crucial step to prevent a wasp or bee infestation on your property. Try out these methods of controlling these pests from creating nests in your home:

  • Close all windows and doors – To keep wasps out of your house, use caulk to cover any crevices or cracks around your porch.
  • Place insect-repelling plants around your home – Mint, basil, wormwood, geranium, marigold, and pennyroyal naturally repel bees and wasps from your home.
  • Locate and remove nests – Be on the lookout for bee or wasp nests around your home and treat them before more show up.
  • Remove food sources from your porch – Remove rotten or ripe fruits that attract wasps and bees, including hummingbird feeders and pet food.
  • Remove trash and seal garbage cans – Since wasps and bees enjoy rotting food, you should always pick up trash and make sure that waste bins and compost piles are fully covered.
  • Protect your home’s wood – To prevent carpenter bees from damaging your home, you should regularly maintain your wood surfaces, remove exposed decaying wood in your exterior, use pressure-treated lumber, and cap exposed wood with aluminum or vinyl.

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Treatment Methods for Bees and Wasps

Many homeowners use sprays to get rid of bees and wasps, but these products can be toxic to humans and pets. You also don’t necessarily want to kill these insects when they are beneficial to our ecosystem. An exterminator will apply treatment to nests safely and in an eco-friendly manner, and they’ll also remove any nests from your home.

Wasps and bees are also particularly harmful to people who are allergic to their stings because they are notorious for fiercely defending their nests, so you don’t want to try knocking down the nest yourself. Taking matters into your own hands puts you at risk of being stung, and it also has the potential to damage the environment. This is why it’s best to contact a professional pest control company to prevent bee and wasp infestations properly.

Western Exterminator’s Bee and Wasp Control Service

Western Exterminator’s bee experts know how to handle bees and wasps properly. When applying external treatments to residents and businesses, we obey local, state, and federal laws for stinging insect removal and prevention. We aim to protect pollinators and the habitats in which they live. We’ll locate and remove any nests safely so that you can have a pest-free home and help you prevent any flying insects from returning.

Western Exterminator’s Wasp and Bee Treatment Process

Western Exterminator’s wasp and bee extermination services work with your schedule and have the most effective treatment options for your specific needs. A comprehensive evaluation, appropriate treatment, protection, and prevention are all part of our operation.

Step 1: Assessment

We inspect and distinguish the species of bee or wasp to determine the appropriate treatment method.

Step 2: Treatment

To eliminate bees and wasps from your house, we seal entryways, apply treatment, and safely relocate nests

Step 3: Protection and Prevention

We give routine inspections to track your home to spot nests early and avoid infestations.

Bee and Wasp Control Service Near You

Contact our bee and wasp control experts if these insects are buzzing around your home or business and are endangering your or someone else’s health or have become a threat or structural concern. We’ll make sure that you don’t suffer any stings, and we’ll safely remove bees and wasps from your property for good.