How To Get Rid Of Ants

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Ant Control

While the United States has over 700 ant species, only about 25 of them typically infest homes. Ants are invasive insects that dwell in underground colonies with a queen and staff. Ants can eat almost everything, but sweets are especially appealing to them. This is why your kitchen and other areas of your home can attract ants, creating damage to your home and health concerns as well.

Food poisoning is one of the most severe issues associated with ants in the household. Ants bear bacteria on their skins, which they transmit by crawling around pantries and over counters. While only a few species are known to spread diseases, having some ant in pantry items or within the home is an unwelcome occurrence that causes problems. Some species, such as carpenter ants, can also do significant damage to wood beams by chewing tunnels into them

Getting Rid of Ants

When you’re wondering how to get rid of ants, Western Exterminator can help you safely eliminate ants from your home and ensure that these pests don’t return. You can also implement some prevention methods that make your home less appealing to ants, keep your home clean, and use insecticide baits that control entire ant colonies. Proper ant identification, prevention, and treatment are your best tools, and an experienced exterminator can face any threat ants may present in your home.

Identifying Ants in Your Home

Ants differ in appearance despite their identical construction, and you can quickly identify them by the head, abdomen, thorax, and antennae. Just a few species of ants are common household pests in the United States, and it’s essential to know how to identify them to remove this pest from your home correctly. Carpenter ants, pavement ants, and odorous house ants are the three most commonly treated home invaders that you should look out for

Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants, like termites, feed on wood so that they can do structural damage to your home. Although they come in a variety of colors and sizes, they’re known for their sleek midsections. While carpenter ants exist throughout the US, black carpenter ants are primarily in the eastern US and warm summer months.

Pavement Ants
Pavement ants are medium-sized ants that range in color from light brown to black, are generally between 2-3mm long, and have tiny pincers on their heads. Pavement ants can exist in cracks in the pavement and the undersides of logs, patio blocks, bricks, stones, and boards.

Odorous House Ants
Odorous house ants are tiny ants that are commonly brown or black, smell like rotting fruit when smushed, and are difficult to find if they’re not in a group. These ants can survive in any location and any climate, but they nest in areas with moisture, and they typically invade the indoors during the Fall or rainy weather.

Signs of an Ant Infestation

Ants can cause significant problems by contaminating food and causing damage to wood and other parts of your infrastructure, despite their small scale. If left uncontrolled, ant infestations will quickly spread because they live and work in large colonies. Since they move slowly and in packs, ants are relatively easy to detect. When you see dead ants, an ant trail, or even anthills in or near your house, you know that you have an ant infestation. Ants leave no visible trace or droppings, so you’re unable to notice that they’ve taken up residence until you’ve spotted them.

How to Prevent Ants

Preventing ants in your home will primarily include improving some cleanliness standards and ensuring that ants have limited access to your home. Follow these guidelines to keep ants out of your home:

  • Clean up spilled food and drinks as soon as possible.
  • Sweets like honey and sugar should be held in tightly sealed containers.
  • Fix leaking pipes and use a dehumidifier when necessary to get rid of excess moisture.
  • To minimize ant nesting sites, remove old landscape materials, litter, and excess vegetation from the property.
  • Seal cracks and crevices around the house.
  • Garbage should be disposed of regularly, and trash cans with a sealed lid should be used.

Treatment Methods for Ants

Treatment methods are determined based on the type of ant and can often include using bait and insecticides that aren’t repellent. The goal is not just to eliminate a single ant but an entire colony. We recommend having professional ant treatment done since DIY remedies can be unsuccessful, exacerbate a problem, and be harmful to the people and pets who live in the house if not done correctly.

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Western Exterminator’s Ant Control Service

Western Exterminator is an expert at exterminating ants with our QualityPro accredited experts. Our state-licensed exterminators locate the nests and distinguish the type of ant and determine the best course of action and treatment. Our Western Exterminator ant removal technicians collaborate with you to identify the cause of the infestation by discussing the ant problem in your house. We then locate the nest to remove it and to avoid further visits. Our experts will track the ants back to their entry point and seal them off, so you don’t have to worry about these pests again.

Western Exterminator’s Ant Treatment Process

Ant extermination services with Western Exterminator work with your schedule and offer the best treatment methods for your unique needs. Our process includes a thorough assessment, effective treatment, protection, and prevention.

Step 1: Assessment

We’ll talk about your pest problem with you, set up a survey if needed, and give you a quote and advice.

Step 2: Treatment

Our QualityPro accredited professionals will come out and apply a treatment that’s environmentally sensitive and safe for children and pets.

Step 3: Protection and Prevention

We’ll come back as many times as you need to make sure you resolve your ant problem, and we’ll give you helpful prevention advice.

Ant Control Service Near You

Ant extermination is a highly specialized procedure, and Western Exterminator experts know how to get rid of ants both outside and inside a home or business. The best option is to schedule a free property inspection with your local Western Exterminator office and let our experts determine which species of ant is causing the problem. Our specialists can advise on the best treatment method, prevent future ant infestations, offer a considerate customer service experience, and give you quality and control tailored to your specific property.